Surviving the fire

11th of November 2018
Waking up to knocks on the door by the Fire Department and the smell of smoke is still a surreal experience.

Adding Social Share Links to Gatsby

10th of September 2018
Don't know about you but one of the first things I look for after reading a great article online is how to share it with others.

How to build a card component

2nd of August 2018
Building components is a lot of fun but it takes good planning and attention to detail to build components which are flexible and reusable.

Flexible Headings with Twig

21st of July 2018
Headings are normally used for page or section titles and are a big part of making your website SEO friendly and more accessible. For these reasons, headings need to be carefully planned.

Getting started with Gatsby

8th of June 2018
Your next website could very well be a static website with the power of React and the latest technologies. Read on...